
28 January 2023

Swansea Open 2023

Carys won Second Prize in the Glynn Vivian Art Gallery’s Swansea Open art competition in January 2023 with her painting Woman with pineapple.

25 November 2022

Winter art exhibition

Carys is exhibiting, with many other excellent local artists, in a Winter Art Exhibition, in Newton Village Hall, between Friday 25 November and Wednesday 30 November 2022.

October 2022

National Library of Wales

The National Library of Wales has bought for its art collection Carys’s painting Woman and cat.

Volcano exhibition, September-October 2022

A joint exhibition of new work by Carys Evans and Alastair Elkes-Jones opens at Volcano Theatre, High Street, Swansea on Friday 16 September 2022. It continues until Thursday 6 October.

8 May 2021

RCA Annual Open Exhibition 2021

Two paintings, The swimmer and Tea at Dulwich, feature in the Royal Cambrian Academy’s Annual Open Exhibition 2021 in Conwy. The exhibition is open to the public until 5 June 2021.

8 May 2021

RWA Annual Open Exhibition 2020-21

Tea at Waterstone’s was accepted for inclusion in the Royal West of England Academy of Art’s Annual Open Exhibition 2020-21. The exhibition is open to the public until 9 May 2021.

Tea at Waterstone’s

12 May 2020

Toilet roll gallery

In the early days of the coronavirus lockdown toilet rolls became scarce. The problem later eased. With the help of empty rolls from her own house and generous gifts from others, Carys started to paint – birds, insects, toys and other subjects – on their surface. She made one painting every day, and now her collection of contemporary arte povera is complete. This work makes up, to some extent, for the cancellation of the Taith ‘House of Early Delights’ show at this year’s Laugharne Festival, itself a victim of the virus.

The toilet rolls are now part of the ‘Covid art’ collection of Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales.

Friends of the Glynn Vivian Newsletter, Spring 2021

Carys and the toilet rolls were featured on S4C’s magazine programme, Heno, on Friday 29 May 2020, and in the Western Mail on Saturday 4 July 2020:


‘Ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol … gwelais waith artist o Abertawe, Carys Evans, a dreuliodd yr wythnosau diwethaf yn peintio lliniau adar a blodau ar diwbiau cardbord papur tŷ bach. Maen nhw’n gain i ryfeddu, yn ffurfio rhesaid hyfryd ar oriel ei silff ben tân, yn tyfu dim ond pan fo’r deunydd crai, eu cynfasau dinod, ar gael.

Mae hi’n ysbrydoli.’

Angharad Price, ‘Tri myfyrdod ar bapur tŷ bach’, Ymbapuroli, Llanrwst: Gwasg Carreg Gwalch, 2020, t.162.

7 June 2018

Llinyn Arian

On Thursday 7 June in the Mission Gallery, Swansea, Delyth & Angharad launched their brilliant new CD, Llinyn arian.  The CD’s cover features artwork by Carys, including a picture of the two musicians and their instruments.

30 September 2017

Kooywood show

Carys’s next solo show will be in the Kooywood Gallery, Cardiff.  It begins with a private view on Sunday 5 November 2017 between 2:00pm and 4:00pm, and will continue till 2 December.

17 July 2017

Attic Gallery summer group show / Gower Gallery

Carys has three paintings in the Attic Gallery’s Summer Group Show in Swansea, which continues until 9 September 2017.

You can usually find smaller works in the Gower Gallery, Mumbles.

26 September 2016

Solo exhibition in Taliesin


Carys has her first solo exhibition in the Ceri Richards Gallery, Taliesin, Singleton Campus, Swansea University, between Saturday 24 September 2016 and 29 October 2016.  The show coincides with the Swansea Festival.

‘Swansea International Festival returns to the city next weekend, and one of the artistic highlights promises to be the first solo exhibition from the Swansea artist Carys Evans.’
South Wales Evening Post, 22 September 2016

‘Mae gen i ddwy chwaer, mi es I ysgol ramadeg i ferched, dwi wedi dysgu plant bach gan weithio gyda’u mamau ac mae gen i ddwy ferch fy hun – felly merched ydy fy mywyd yn llwyr, ac rwy’n cael fy nenu at eu paentio.’
Golwg, 22 Medi 2106

25 August 2015

CASW Annual Report 2014

Kooywood advert

29 May 2015

Kooywood Gallery exhibition

The Kooywood Gallery in Museum Place, Cardiff is staging a new exhibition of paintings by Carys Evans.  The show is a joint one with the painter Elizabeth Haines, and is open from Thursday 4 June till Saturday 27 June 2015.  All the works included are for sale.

You can see Carys and her works in the Kooywood on the S4C television programme Prynhawn Da, 18 June 2015 (available till 23 July on S4C’s Clic service).

Girl with cat (oil on canvas) (70 x 100cm)

Girl with cat (oil on canvas) (70 x 100cm)

21 May 2015

Royal Academy Summer Exhibition

Spotted Duck (2014) has been selected by the Royal Academy  for inclusion in its Summer Exhibition in Burlington House, London this year.  The exhibition is open between 8 June and 16 August 2015.

Duck decoration